PERCEPTIBLE7 z33r0b mr.moryskao PaR ICI95 Vyacheslav1959 therealnvp
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tiobrebz's picture
  • Rating: 3
  • Games Played: 37
  • Total Winnings: €45.09
  • Avg. Buy-In: €3.11
  • Biggest Buy-in: €10.00
  • ITM %: 10.81
  • Total Profit: -€69.91
  • Average Profit: -€1.89
  • Average ROI %: -60.79
  • Final Table: 0
  • First: 0
  • Second: 0
  • Third: 0
  • Early Finishes %: 13.51
  • Early Middle Finishes %: 16.22
  • Middle Finishes %: 45.95
  • Middle Late Finishes %: 16.22
  • Late Finishes %: 8.11

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Game Rating Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
MONSTER STACK 5 11 -€0.34 -33.73 -€3.71 €1.00 9.09 1/10
BIG BANG NA 4 €1.63 32.6 €6.52 €5.00 50 2/2
WANTED NA 4 -€3.10 -61.9 -€12.38 €5.00 0 0/4
Deepstack Hold'em NA 3 -€2.00 -100 -€6.00 €2.00 0 0/3
WESTERN NA 3 €0.07 7 €0.21 €1.00 33.33 1/2

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
03/24/2017 KILL THE FISH €4.50+€0.50 1/468 €442.56
04/21/2020 KILL THE FISH €1.80+€0.20 1/159 €340.85
03/20/2019 PRIME TIME €45.00+€5.00 39/612 €229.55
01/22/2015 Deepstack Hold'em €1.80+€0.20 2/795 €203.16
05/23/2022 PAYBACK €9.00+€1.00 10/624 €158.10

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
06/11/2018 Hold'em [180 Max] €0.90+€0.10 150/164 €0.00
06/11/2018 Déglingos €1.80+€0.20 36/129 €0.00
05/15/2018 MONSTER STACK €0.90+€0.10 43/2643 €7.29
05/02/2018 Deepstack Hold'em €1.80+€0.20 113/196 €0.00
05/02/2018 Deepstack Hold'em €0.45+€0.05 190/297 €0.00
05/02/2018 MiniRoll €0.45+€0.05 26/52 €0.00
05/02/2018 MONSTER STACK €9.00+€1.00 526/1030 €0.00
05/02/2018 WANTED €4.50+€0.50 688/1198 €0.00
05/02/2018 MONSTER STACK €0.90+€0.10 1577/2496 €0.00
05/01/2018 MONSTER STACK €0.90+€0.10 510/2515 €0.00
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