Tournament Info: The Big €10, €4,000 Gtd

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

April 24, 2018 22:15




€9.00 + €1.00

Prize pool

101 DARIUS7515 €0.00 121 Barrado91 €0.00 141 IAloneTeam €0.00 161 arruchador1 €0.00 181 bladi090 €0.00
102 ThePakumotu €0.00 122 sherif1982 €0.00 142 bluff kruel6 €0.00 162 miki123456 €0.00 182 chikifrioja €0.00
103 djtortu €0.00 123 frangarcia27 €0.00 143 ferfo5 €0.00 163 shakra76 €0.00 183 cupperman €0.00
104 Furia_RojaRS €0.00 124 3T_CY €0.00 144 amo 699734 €0.00 164 sunwu358 €0.00 184 1ucksack €0.00
105 toniflow223 €0.00 125 kklolokk €0.00 145 Javi crazy96 €0.00 165 GeMe Valter €0.00 185 hilario1959 €0.00
106 juangasg €0.00 126 madriles79 €0.00 146 SoyMaryPoppins €0.00 166 NeverLostFlip €0.00 186 Gorilaobolaazul €0.00
107 chucodasenda €0.00 127 rakitm86 €0.00 147 djSaZ €0.00 167 robo914 €0.00 187 tottizgz €0.00
108 jotinpower €0.00 128 kenke-shop €0.00 148 Yoman49170 €0.00 168 kakanuts €0.00 188 tutioperro €0.00
109 I'mNotAFlog €0.00 129 jahstar57 €0.00 149 leader93 €0.00 169 weinmax552 €0.00 189 M@K€ iT E@SY €0.00
110 lerat701 €0.00 130 JimyCentollo €0.00 150 goldorakus €0.00 170 AlexKBez €0.00 190 Sagarman €0.00
111 maldito tú €0.00 131 chriscrousti €0.00 151 manu1114CE €0.00 171 SoyPadel.Set €0.00 191 UnivermagGomel €0.00
112 Tuturshark €0.00 132 flomvp06 €0.00 152 venteño €0.00 172 Piedrabuener €0.00 192 Óscar Kokas €0.00
113 polloonfire €0.00 133 koeloko 26 €0.00 153 belime €0.00 173 Kurto Arstin €0.00 193 galactic19 €0.00
114 bluewidow666 €0.00 134 mag76000 €0.00 154 antillgrillo €0.00 174 BigfootCara €0.00 194 XeKBoo €0.00
115 ArvMax €0.00 135 goopil51 €0.00 155 diegopoza €0.00 175 money4cocaine €0.00 195 pepegarcia4 €0.00
116 aldán €0.00 136 arobaralacarcel €0.00 156 laktin94 €0.00 176 husone €0.00 196 Golden_lord6 €0.00
117 davidigle8 €0.00 137 CannedTunaFish €0.00 157 Maquinabcn €0.00 177 secilien13 €0.00 197 de ciro 22 €0.00
118 lima236 €0.00 138 dhusan €0.00 158 glod-strike €0.00 178 Ourri €0.00 198 vertical dmZ €0.00
119 laescapada70 €0.00 139 Luciole758 €0.00 159 Leesin524 €0.00 179 Zahrem €0.00 199 ROMO30 €0.00
120 MikelNieve €0.00 140 THE COXINHA_AA €0.00 160 Underdog1801 €0.00 180 Dihh21 €0.00 200 Panda49100 €0.00