Tournament Info: The Big $10, $2K Gtd

Poker Stars.nj


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

March 18, 2024 13:00




$9.10 + $0.90

Prize pool

1 lukewarm01 $459.48 21 DougieTheBullet $22.13 41 Ester801 $18.13 61 DaBirds23 $0.00 81 timthelion $0.00
2 blackart1990 $338.73 22 CptMcCuddles $22.13 42 Doink Wizard $18.13 62 MDM1679 $0.00 82 henrymox $0.00
3 PomStacks $249.83 23 GuitarmanBones $22.13 43 Bwaives $18.13 63 cda9733 $0.00 83 Baby Sky Bison $0.00
4 FoxyNinja22 $184.26 24 Nemo696912 $22.13 44 nitty2246 $18.13 64 dmhoin67 $0.00 84 SoxxBets $0.00
5 BlangerX3 $135.90 25 lrae56 $22.13 45 Ldogg1985 $0.00 65 darin47 $0.00 85 hecticbets $0.00
6 Tomhunter777 $100.23 26 bigdukes2 $22.13 46 MoMoney19785 $0.00 66 kellenfry23 $0.00 86 DJVANDY42069 $0.00
7 eldri1sp $73.93 27 RaSims042 $18.13 47 scottnichoson $0.00 67 Jst313zy $0.00 87 gut€nberg $0.00
8 LOLiBluffed $54.52 28 xBlackout16 $18.13 48 cal4567 $0.00 68 MaverickPop21 $0.00 88 Hangman361 $0.00
9 bbricke $40.21 29 Hermeneuticist $18.13 49 Roberta3699 $0.00 69 tmilando $0.00 89 PhantomMaverick $0.00
10 lordi187 $32.95 30 FARTP00P $18.13 50 thatguy417 $0.00 70 Philosopher9 $0.00 90 UBaked93 $0.00
11 arvone1 $32.95 31 fluking521 $18.13 51 Runner4502 $0.00 71 Sparkitupson420 $0.00 91 PaulBigRigJones $0.00
12 WAZS-UP07 $32.95 32 Just the Tip111 $18.13 52 CohoTile $0.00 72 HPatrick1193 $0.00 92 MikeLL53 $0.00
13 sdjmoney1 $32.95 33 notsurebro $18.13 53 Levismith12303 $0.00 73 FJN50 $0.00 93 Fusixy $0.00
14 rainzatwill $27.00 34 kobkinon007 $18.13 54 Daviemfjones810 $0.00 74 jss120 $0.00 94 ControllaPlaya $0.00
15 SouthsideYung $27.00 35 Dabbdaddy $18.13 55 YuanjiPoker $0.00 75 nikb77 $0.00 95 Lyric25 $0.00
16 dtina92yahoocom $27.00 36 kodiak515 $18.13 56 PokerDiva1995 $0.00 76 HeadShotted $0.00 96 RiverRatDog123 $0.00
17 ichybackboy $27.00 37 Paparobbo15 $18.13 57 Joey The Finger $0.00 77 KamiSama1985 $0.00 97 Milemaker3 $0.00
18 ajytrtr3 $22.13 38 DVan05 $18.13 58 TooUser $0.00 78 Mybestdays $0.00 101 hellokitty004 $0.00
19 TheFuZe3 $22.13 39 kennytwohands $18.13 59 Tvbrat13 $0.00 79 choateyj1 $0.00 102 Puttingfora9 $0.00
20 suttinlite10 $22.13 40 n1ck819 $18.13 60 leebokid54 $0.00 80 gambler43352 $0.00 103 AntwonMon901 $0.00