Tournament Info: Road to PSPC - Players Choice Freebuy-Sat: to 3.30 NLHE, 3 Seat Gtd to €3.30 Sat

Poker Stars


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournament started

June 14, 2022 16:35




€0.00 + €0.00

Prize pool

101 fourtow €0.00 121 couvillon €0.00 141 jumper6767 €0.00 161 Albino Pinto €0.00 181 GreeNFeaR89 €0.00
102 fenix10k €0.00 122 shottak €0.00 142 0nicecock0 €0.00 162 cdn-cards2018 €0.00 182 JOZAAA €0.00
103 jachanan €0.00 123 distraido036 €0.00 143 maikon muller €0.00 163 det1a €0.00 183 DuboisiK €0.00
104 prostars62 €0.00 124 adaszek1 €0.00 144 santi2611 €0.00 164 ryguy193 €0.00 184 djonataklein €0.00
105 Dimon Zas €0.00 125 ROGER-CDA €0.00 145 verickma666 €0.00 165 dlungu €0.00 185 konmartinoni €0.00
106 vieira410 €0.00 126 ezequieldilo €0.00 146 godo09 €0.00 166 Carlos13xxx €0.00 186 BullEt777461 €0.00
107 sabit2890 €0.00 127 Prim9 €0.00 147 41sikaj €0.00 167 Natali_sob €0.00 187 darkbluee522 €0.00
108 valery736 €0.00 128 renacer16 €0.00 148 Sergio333643 €0.00 168 Dust1127 €0.00 188 FavioGiaco82 €0.00
109 clemens7 €0.00 129 abnaan625 €0.00 149 ANGELHERR07 €0.00 169 yelling001 €0.00 189 eleggy777 €0.00
110 meletreitorr €0.00 130 ura3861 €0.00 150 normita2010 €0.00 170 anschi €0.00 190 zeobra €0.00
111 maxfleury €0.00 131 rustamol €0.00 151 Victorio 507 €0.00 171 vityapara €0.00 191 mihaiamg281087 €0.00
112 jscornejo €0.00 132 PendenceBwoy €0.00 152 Youngblood111 €0.00 172 talach76 €0.00 192 BOBX546 €0.00
113 DeNiciunde €0.00 133 angradosr629 €0.00 153 Mahony20233 €0.00 173 Rudy Brown €0.00 193 sirega543 €0.00
114 geralldao €0.00 134 DaWID/CROW €0.00 154 Hendykabajuresa €0.00 174 shobolanu200 €0.00 194 Ajrody23 €0.00
115 alanarciso €0.00 135 muskwa03 €0.00 155 Koresh153 €0.00 175 TATARIN78 €0.00 195 bondakis777 €0.00
116 StriLchuk €0.00 136 11klein11 €0.00 156 AV.irbis €0.00 176 Grover Games €0.00 196 ggrozniy €0.00
117 chechare07 €0.00 137 Flosie €0.00 157 jonnytest97 €0.00 177 Lucas vkt €0.00 197 oximus1985 €0.00
118 Majda777 €0.00 138 TIKILIP €0.00 158 Ghost3011 €0.00 178 RollihgStone €0.00 198 charmander €0.00
119 NapikWin €0.00 139 stoogees €0.00 159 Liza0706 €0.00 179 alexandretcross €0.00 199 BJStr8 €0.00
120 BerniB4 €0.00 140 burro persa €0.00 160 marcelmark €0.00 180 dario00770 €0.00 200 Beras91 €0.00
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