Tournament Info: 25 Days of Tournaments Day 24: $10 PLO [PLO Adrenaline], $1.5K Gtd

Poker Stars.nj


PL Omaha, Sit & Go

Tournament started

December 28, 2023 15:30




$9.40 + $0.60

Prize pool

1 ChipzNCheeze $504.66 21 517JCMONEYSHOT $28.46 41 lofton18 $18.72 61 XcoopmaticX $0.00 81 oggy1215 $0.00
2 KingOfThePugz $364.91 22 mifrostbite $28.46 42 JiK101 $0.00 62 WHEELS1799 $0.00 82 clmrrw12 $0.00
3 Craftmatic53 $263.99 23 PolkHighFan33 $28.46 43 joeyrup $0.00 63 Solver_Chic $0.00 83 watchmewin33 $0.00
4 wldcrd2121 $190.97 24 melidapoker $23.08 44 DJNuttyD $0.00 64 Bruiser523 $0.00 84 Dr Dad 1819 $0.00
5 pokerlady7732 $138.16 25 #3lynchmob $23.08 45 Stumpys2 $0.00 65 smokinports13 $0.00 85 joey the mush $0.00
6 AshFrank1021 $99.95 26 Dubblebubble41 $23.08 46 bagelsmania $0.00 66 NCMNielerAA $0.00 86 Blazer488 $0.00
7 xxx_KenDoG_xxx $81.07 27 triple gregg $23.08 47 fancyfish948 $0.00 67 iLuvDiscGolf88 $0.00 87 garyd9811 $0.00
8 X3X9 $65.75 28 Bigdogjac56 $23.08 48 CmoGrind1313 $0.00 68 joker49024 $0.00 88 ThulsaDoom69 $0.00
9 mordIn76 $65.75 29 JayMunnie $23.08 49 yanks5176 $0.00 69 Tonyforprez $0.00 89 casey333123 $0.00
10 BadIdeaJeans $53.33 30 DominicCattano $18.72 50 ramses33333 $0.00 70 joe333bull $0.00 90 alwaysinthemix $0.00
11 plebsmegs $53.33 31 EC1979 $18.72 51 bud2go1957 $0.00 71 Yoshi0579 $0.00 91 MinusEB $0.00
12 Ericdaboi $43.26 32 13spur13 $18.72 52 debbiedoeshldem $0.00 72 toneloco6464 $0.00 92 WildWilly-AA $0.00
13 Iraise U2nU $43.26 33 Schm0o0 $18.72 53 VillasKid68 $0.00 73 gor81916 $0.00 93 beardedNbald $0.00
14 IvanMakeBasket $43.26 34 meechman23 $18.72 54 RodneyGMoney $0.00 74 old schoo587 $0.00 94 NotHelmuth22 $0.00
15 novak613 $35.09 35 Paingame3461 $18.72 55 Tasman7777 $0.00 75 jackietreehon $0.00 95 Sm0k1nSeven $0.00
16 intinerant $35.09 36 peteksa $18.72 56 KneadDaRiver $0.00 76 vic2202 $0.00 96 Osmosisjones;3 $0.00
17 Ash1123 $35.09 37 NotYourID $18.72 57 z55rpm $0.00 77 Terribadd $0.00 97 ChillyStevee $0.00
18 zlaot $28.46 38 BSnotLinkman18 $18.72 58 coolwalleye13 $0.00 78 Woley55 $0.00 98 Hazel_Lain $0.00
19 $cot307 $28.46 39 StonedOldLady $18.72 59 jakeb517 $0.00 79 DonnyDoodles $0.00 99 1muffinHombre $0.00
20 nhgglmbema $28.46 40 LimpISqueeze $18.72 60 Pokeher299 $0.00 80 defoned413 $0.00 100 roadkill8459 $0.00
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