Vassiliy Papin

Vassiliy Papin's picture
  • Games Played: 60
  • Total Winnings: $19.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: $0.67
  • Biggest Buy-in: $22.00
  • ITM %: 5
  • Total Profit: -$21.11
  • Average Profit: -$0.35
  • Average ROI %: -52.63
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
PP LIVE Passport Freeroll:{#P}100 x $4.40 Gtd{#M} 22 $0.20 0 $4.40 $0.00 4.55 1/21
WPT Online Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} 18 $0.17 1733.33 $3.12 $0.01 5.56 1/17
partypoker League Freeroll: 50 x $2.20 Gtd 16 $0.12 0 $2.00 $0.00 6.25 1/15
Irish Open Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}10 x €1.10 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} 10 $0.04 450 $0.45 $0.01 10 1/9
MILLIONS Online #26 High Roller Centroll:{#P}5 x $11 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} 5 -$0.01 -100 -$0.05 $0.01 0 0/5

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
08/26/2020 PP LIVE Passport Phase 1:{#P}10 x $10K Gtd{#M} $4.00+$0.40 12/120 $15.15
08/26/2020 PP LIVE Passport Freeroll:{#P}100 x $4.40 Gtd{#M} $0.00+$0.00 3/1997 $4.40
03/26/2021 WPT Online Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} $0.00+$0.01 2/249 $3.30
03/18/2021 partypoker League Freeroll: 50 x $2.20 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 3/1190 $2.00
03/10/2021 Irish Open Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}10 x €1.10 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} €0.00+€0.01 4/320 €0.55

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
04/10/2021 partypoker League Freeroll: 50 x $2.20 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 532/861 $0.00
04/07/2021 partypoker League Freeroll: 50 x $2.20 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 177/1023 $0.00
04/04/2021 partypoker League Freeroll: 50 x $2.20 Gtd $0.00+$0.00 569/1092 $0.00
04/02/2021 $250 Challenge FREEROLL - We are LIVE ON TWITCH $0.00+$0.00 1645/1643 $0.00
03/29/2021 WPT Online Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} $0.00+$0.01 331/396 $0.00
03/29/2021 Irish Open Main Event 1B Centroll:{#P}25 x €1.10 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} €0.00+€0.01 335/415 €0.00
03/29/2021 WPT Online Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} $0.00+$0.01 286/403 $0.00
03/29/2021 WPT Online Main Event 1A Centroll:{#P}5 x $3.30 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} $0.00+$0.01 247/357 $0.00
03/29/2021 Irish Open Main Event 1B Centroll:{#P}25 x €1.10 Gtd to Phase 1{#M} €0.00+€0.01 344/409 €0.00
03/29/2021 Irish Open #10 High Roller Centroll:{#P}3 x €2.20 Gtd to Sub-Feeder{#M} €0.00+€0.01 267/286 €0.00