
Pols19's picture
  • Games Played: 68
  • Total Winnings: $245.77
  • Avg. Buy-In: $15.83
  • Biggest Buy-in: $55.00
  • ITM %: 10.29
  • Total Profit: -$830.53
  • Average Profit: -$12.21
  • Average ROI %: -77.17
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
$3,500 Guaranteed Deep Stack 11 -$30.58 -87.37 -$336.36 $35.00 9.09 1/10
$3,500 Guaranteed R&A 6 -$0.62 -12.5 -$3.75 $5.00 16.67 1/5
$1,200 Guaranteed 5 -$6.24 -51.97 -$31.18 $12.00 20 1/4
Step 4 WSOP, 888Live & Major Tournaments - Turbo 5 -$5.00 -100 -$25.00 $5.00 0 0/5
The $20,000 Mega Dozen 4 -$2.64 -22.04 -$10.58 $12.00 25 1/3

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
01/20/2016 $3,500 Guaranteed Deep Stack $32.00+$3.00 22/152 $48.64
07/15/2017 The $5,000 8-8-8 $8.00+$0.80 17/450 $44.96
01/17/2016 The $20,000 Mega Dozen $11.00+$1.00 92/2430 $37.42
06/14/2017 The $3,000 Dozen $10.90+$1.10 27/336 $34.74
06/14/2017 $1,200 Guaranteed $10.90+$1.10 13/123 $28.82

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
06/22/2018 $6,000 Grand Hand Skills Tournament $0.00+$0.00 267/4853 $5.40
06/22/2018 $16.50 BIG Fish - $15,000 GTD $15.00+$1.50 572/777 $0.00
01/06/2018 $1000 Guaranteed $10.90+$1.10 25/105 $0.00
12/28/2017 The $5,000 Deepstack Catfish $10.90+$1.10 128/458 $0.00
12/26/2017 $3,000 Guaranteed R&A $4.50+$0.50 30/269 $24.94
12/18/2017 The $2,500 Mini Daily Challenge $4.55+$0.45 224/392 $0.00
12/10/2017 The $5,000 Deepstack Catfish $10.90+$1.10 380/542 $0.00
07/25/2017 $3,500 Guaranteed R&A $4.50+$0.50 182/285 $0.00
07/25/2017 The $3,000 Mini Late Night Crocodile $15.00+$1.50 122/193 $0.00
07/24/2017 $3,500 Guaranteed R&A $4.50+$0.50 32/281 $26.25