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EUROITALY's picture
  • Games Played: 22
  • Total Winnings: €58.57
  • Biggest Buy-in: €15.00
  • ITM %: 36.36
  • Total Profit: NOI
  • Average Profit: NOI
  • Average ROI %: NOI

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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
€2 NL Hold'em (180 max) 3 NOI NOI NOI €2.00 33.33 1/2
€3 NL Hold'em [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo, Super KO] 3 NOI NOI NOI €3.00 33.33 1/2
€0.50 NL Hold'em 2 NOI NOI NOI €0.50 100 2/0
The Big €15, €5,000 Guaranteed 2 NOI NOI NOI €15.00 0 0/2
€3 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up - Turbo] 2 NOI NOI NOI €3.00 50 1/1

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
05/06/2017 The Hot €15 Turbo, €2,000 Guaranteed €13.38+€1.62 5/206 €161.36
06/02/2019 The Hot €10 Turbo, €2,000 Guaranteed €8.92+€1.08 7/314 €89.59
04/01/2018 The Hot €10 Turbo, €2,000 Guaranteed €8.92+€1.08 7/346 €88.82
10/24/2011 €20 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Turbo 4 Players] €18.56+€1.44 1/4 €74.24
10/10/2011 €20 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up Turbo 4 Players] €18.56+€1.44 1/4 €74.24

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
08/23/2020 6-Max Club €15 3-stacks, €1,500 Guaranteed €13.20+€1.80 170/239 €0.00
08/22/2020 The Big €15, €5,000 Guaranteed €13.20+€1.80 260/531 €0.00
08/22/2020 The Big €10, €10,000 Guaranteed €8.80+€1.20 750/1565 €0.00
08/22/2020 6-Max Club €5, €3,000 Guaranteed €4.40+€0.60 263/758 €0.00
08/16/2020 €2 NL Hold'em (180 max) €1.68+€0.32 13/102 €3.59
07/11/2020 €0,50 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up - Turbo] €0.45+€0.05 1/2 €0.90
06/28/2020 The Big €5, €3,000 Guaranteed €4.40+€0.60 199/671 €0.00
06/27/2020 The Big €10, €5,000 Guaranteed €8.80+€1.20 336/456 €0.00
06/27/2020 €3 NL Hold'em [Heads-Up - Turbo] €2.76+€0.24 1/2 €5.52
06/27/2020 €2 NL Hold'em (180 max) €1.68+€0.32 51/119 €0.00
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