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abso777's picture
  • Games Played: 0
  • Total Winnings: $0.00
  • Avg. Buy-In: $0.00
  • Biggest Buy-in: $0.00
  • ITM %: 0
  • Total Profit: $0.00
  • Average Profit: $0.00
  • Average ROI %: 0

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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A 5 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0/5
$20 SNAP freeroll 3 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0/3
$1,000 Dream ticket 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0/1

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
04/23/2021 $5,000 Big Shot 88 $80.00+$8.00 4/49 $568.56
07/02/2021 Blast $100 $93.87+$6.13 1/3 $300.00
07/02/2021 Blast $100 $93.87+$6.13 1/3 $300.00
07/02/2021 Blast $100 $93.87+$6.13 1/3 $300.00
12/11/2011 $800 Guaranteed Omaha 2R1A $7.20+$0.80 2/83 $272.16

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
10/15/2014 Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A $0.00+$0.00 1331/1638 $0.00
10/09/2014 Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A $0.00+$0.00 283/1644 $0.00
10/09/2014 $20 SNAP freeroll $0.00+$0.00 473/1393 $0.00
10/09/2014 $1,000 Dream ticket $0.00+$0.00 2541/3000 $0.00
10/08/2014 Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A $0.00+$0.00 541/1314 $0.00
07/30/2014 Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A $0.00+$0.00 1336/1447 $0.00
07/17/2014 Bonus $75 Freeroll R&A $0.00+$0.00 420/1417 $0.00
07/17/2014 $20 SNAP freeroll $0.00+$0.00 392/1183 $0.00
06/24/2014 $20 SNAP freeroll $0.00+$0.00 60/1316 $0.00
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