Ch3f ZaZa

Ch3f ZaZa's picture
  • Games Played: 679
  • Total Winnings: €5,438.58
  • Avg. Buy-In: €7.80
  • Biggest Buy-in: €100.00
  • ITM %: 35.64
  • Total Profit: €141.93
  • Average Profit: €0.21
  • Average ROI %: 2.68
Results by # Games Played
Results by Date (Line)
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Game Games Played Average Profit Average ROI % Total Profit Buy-In ITM % Wins/Loses
Double or Nothing. The top 5 double their buy-in. [Turbo] 47 €2.27 22.68 €106.60 €10.00 65.96 31/16
Deglingos Heads-Up! Don't tilt: 500 chips, turbo speed! [Hyper-Turbo] 44 -€1.77 -17.7 -€77.86 €10.00 43.18 19/25
Double or Nothing 43 -€0.38 -3.81 -€16.40 €10.00 51.16 22/21
Double or Nothing 29 €2.83 28.28 €82.00 €10.00 68.97 20/9
Deglingos Heads-Up 28 €1.12 22.4 €31.36 €5.00 64.29 18/10

Recent Large Cashes

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
10/05/2014 AFTER WORK. Texas Holdem deepstack tournament. €20000 guaranteed! Should a Deal be made, the €150 tickets are converted to cash. €18.00+€2.00 11/1810 €342.09
10/10/2014 Texas Holdem tournament. €1000 guaranteed! €4.50+€0.50 3/378 €184.13
10/10/2014 CINQ MAJEUR. Texas Holdem deepstack tournament. €8000 guaranteed! Should a Deal be made, the €150 tickets are converted to cash. €4.50+€0.50 9/2567 €174.71
11/09/2014 SUNDAY SURPRISE €9.00+€1.00 25/5531 €161.15
03/03/2015 COMBO SAT €4.50+€0.50 1/70 €100.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Ended Tournament Buy-In+Fee Rank Prize
09/22/2016 No Limit Hold'em €0.90+€0.10 5/15 €0.00
04/11/2016 POPCORN €1.80+€0.20 2916/2810 €0.00
04/11/2016 SMALL BALL €1.80+€0.20 573/1487 €0.00
04/11/2016 COMBO SAT €4.50+€0.50 40/52 €0.00
04/11/2016 COCKTAIL €4.50+€0.50 3831/4038 €0.00
03/17/2016 BREAKFAST €4.50+€0.50 171/513 €0.00
02/25/2016 DERNIER ROUND €9.00+€1.00 147/533 €0.00
02/25/2016 POPCORN €1.80+€0.20 1594/2365 €0.00
02/25/2016 LA FIEVRE €9.00+€1.00 43/2276 €61.24
02/25/2016 SMALL BALL €1.80+€0.20 917/1221 €0.00